Vastu dictates how to make a home’s energy positive and fulfilling for the family that lives in that home. If you are building an independent house or have stairs within your flat, the principles of staircase vastu can bring balance into your home.

#1: Staircase Direction As per Vastu

Vastu-approved staircase designs to bring good luck

The auspicious direction recommended by the principles of staircase vastu is either the south or the west. Both these directions are said to bring good health and prosperity.

The stairs should begin at the north end and move southward or eastward. If there is a lack of space, turns can be taken to other sides as long as the general direction is correct.

#2: Staircase Colour As per Vastu

Bright colours spread positivity as per staircase vastu

Ideally, staircases need to be painted in light colours. Pastel yellows, pinks, off-whites and blues are the recommended staircase colours as per vastu as they infuse positive energy into the space.

Avoid red and black colours when decorating stairs because they are known to channel negative energy.

Also Read: 7 Unique Staircase Design Ideas That You Will Love

#3: Staircase Position As per Vastu

According to vastu, the ideal position of a staircase is along the sides

According to vastu principles, a staircase should be placed along the side of your house. Staircases placed in the middle of your home drain its energy and are known to negatively impact the health of its occupants.

By keeping your internal staircase as per vastualong the sides of your houseyou are allowing energy to flow around freely.

#4: Vastu Tips for Staircase Type

Choose contemporary alternatives to spiral staircases inside your house

Spiral staircases are often used in homes because they are visually appealing and offer an easy way to go up and down.

However, according to Vastu Shastra, spiral staircases are ideally not recommended because they represent imbalance and irregularity. This can affect the energy in your home in a similar manner.

#5: Number of Steps in a Staircase As per Vastu

Systematic planning as per staircase vastu can usher in happiness

According to vastu for staircase design, an odd number of steps is the best. For example: 9, 11, 15 and 21. Some experts say that the number of steps shouldn’t end with a zero–easily avoided by sticking to an odd number of steps in the staircase, as per vastu.

#6: Staircase Location As per Vastu

The staircase should not block positive energies flowing from the Brahmasthan

The Brahmasthan is the holiest part of the house; it radiates limitless energy and exists in the centre of a home. According to staircase vastu, this significant portion should be kept empty and free of any structure because it is the root of energy that is dispersed through the home.

So any kind of construction, like a staircase, in the middle of a home can block the positive energy that makes your space warm and cheerful. Hence, there shouldn’t be any staircases or pillars and beams in this area. As a rule of thumb, it’s ideal to keep obstructive structures outside a 1.5-metre circle from your pooja unit.

#7: Keep Staircases to the Side

Neat and tidy with a staircase tucked into a corner

Since living rooms are where people gather to enjoy and have conversations, they should be kept clutter-free. In fact, vastu experts recommend that staircases should not be located in the living room as they will drain the positive energy from the space. You can keep them along the sides, if at all.

#8: Vastu Staircase Design Clockwise

Always build your staircase in the clockwise direction

To get vastu benefits from your staircase, make sure your stairs orient from north to south or east to west. In other words, your staircase must turn in the clockwise direction only.

It is said that the stairs that turn anti-clockwise can cause hindrance in the owner’s career growth, and it’s best to steer clear of such doshas.

#9: The Perfect Shape As Per Staircase Vastu

Perpendicular turns are the best for regulating positive energy in the house

Circular staircases can act as corkscrews that drain the energy of the house. Whereas, square or rectangular ones let the energy flow with utmost efficiency.

Try not to make the shape angular. Although it is important that the walls be perpendicular to each other, it is also crucial that the shape be fairly flat so as not to disrupt the flow of energy.

Also Read: 15 Vastu Shastra Tips To Help You Stay on the Right Side of Luck

#10: Vastu Tips for Storage Under the Staircase

Don’t keep dustbins or unwanted things under the staircase

Not just waste items, Vastu Shastra also warns against storing valuable items under the staircase. It is best to store daily use items that don’t have any significant value in your life.

Furthermore, as a healing art, vastu can help homes draw in prosperity and happiness. By aligning elements of a home according to its principles, homeowners can allow radiant energy to flow through all spaces.

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